2 October Oct 2017 1640 02 October 2017 Porto, youth and seniors together to build change
It’s called Aconchego and it’s the intergenerational programme of the city of Porto: elderly people who suffer from loneliness and isolation provide housing in their homes to university students, who need accommodation at low prices. The model has been replicated in Lisbon and Coimbra
28 September Sep 2017 1630 28 September 2017 Nikosia. Free radio, free minds
It’s called Nikosia and it’s the first radio in Spain produced by people suffering from mental problems. The aim? FIght against the stigma surrounding psychiatric problems. Radio Nikosia is supported by many personalities. Among them singer and activist Manu Chao.
19 September Sep 2017 1451 19 September 2017 Farmerline, the app helping African farmers
Farmerline is a start up founded in Ghana in 2013 by computer scientist Alloysius Attah. It sends voice messages to over 200,000 farmers in 10 different countries.
14 September Sep 2017 1500 14 September 2017 Prevent radicalisation: the role of civil society
The European Economic and Social Committee (Eesc) has organised a public hearing on “The role of civil society in the prevention of radicalisation of young people” in its headquarters in Brussels. The aim? Clarify how EU policy-makers can help civil society practitioners to successfully prevent radicalisation.
29 August Aug 2017 1330 29 August 2017 Le Projet Imagine, stories that change the world
Le Projet Imagine in an NGO that, through videos and documentaries, highlights stories of anonymous heroes, people who act in the shade and do extraordinary things for those who are around them. The aim? Inspire and move to action. The ngo has consultative statute at the UN Economic and Social Council.
25 July Jul 2017 1629 25 July 2017 Phone booths in Times Square tell the stories of immigrants
It’s called “Once Upon a Place” and it is the last installation from Afghan-American artist Aman Mojadidi, who has rewired 3 phone booths and has put them in Times Square. Picking up the phone visitors can listen to stories of immigrants living in New York: oral stories, presented in form of phone calls. In total the project gathers 70 interviews to people coming from countries from all over the world, from Sierra Leone to Tibet.
18 July Jul 2017 1540 18 July 2017 HopHopFood, the platform fighting food waste
HopHopFood is an association that will launch in mid October the first C2C platform in France fighting food waste. The project puts into contact those who have too much food with those who don’t have enough.
30 June Jun 2017 1553 30 June 2017 European Commission to work on social enterprises
The European Economic and Social Committee (Eesc) has organised the 2nd European day of Social Economy Enterprises (SEEs) in its headquarters in Brussels. The day has gathered actors of the sector and policy makers to create synergies and explore needed measures.
22 June Jun 2017 1213 22 June 2017 In somebody else’s shoes through virtual reality
It’s called The Machine to Be Another and it is a machine allowing couples of people, like Europeans and migrants, to experiment the world from the perspective of the other. The aim? To promote empathy between individuals of different social, cultural and ideological backgrounds.