31 January Jan 2018 1304 31 January 2018 Cinécyclo, travelling cinema by bike
Thanks to a bike equipped with an electric power unit with pedals Vincent Hanrion with his association goes around the world bringing cinema to the most remote places
19 January Jan 2018 1503 19 January 2018 Greece, a coding school for refugees and unemployed
It is called Revive Greece and it’s «the first non-profit initiative focusing on teaching computer programming to the most vulnerable groups in Greece», as the website says. Interview with the managing director of Revive Greece, Theodore Dimakarakos.
19 December Dec 2017 1311 19 December 2017 Duo for a Job, free training for young migrants
Duo for a Job matches young job seekers with an immigrant background with people over 50 years old who have a professional experience in related fields and who can accompany and support them in their job search.
23 November Nov 2017 1737 23 November 2017 Visage du Maroc: the website of the most talented Moroccan women entrepreneurs
It is a platform presenting the paths of women entrepreneurs in Morocco, those who made it in their own country. The goal? Be an example to new generations, show them that doing business is possible
7 November Nov 2017 1422 07 November 2017 The Airbnb of the homeless
It is called Notfairbnb and it is an awareness campaign on the problems of the homeless in Brussels. Since its launch in 2016, it has had a great success and organisations from all over the world helping the homeless have asked to open Notfairbnb in their own countries
27 October Oct 2017 1504 27 October 2017 Healthy Entrepreneurs brings medicines to the four corners of the world
The organisation trains local people so that they can go in the most remote places to sell medicines and give basic information regarding health. In only 5 years the entrepreneurs of Healthy Entrepreneurs have created access to basic healthcare to over 4 million women, men, and children in 5 countries: Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana and Haiti
23 October Oct 2017 1606 23 October 2017 The social enterprise plastic fishing on Amsterdam canals
Plastic Whale fishes plastic waste on Amsterdam canals and at the port of Rotterdam, building then boats with recycled materials, with which they go plastic fishing. It’s the first professional plastic fishing company in the world
11 October Oct 2017 1757 11 October 2017 France, circular economy helping the most needy
The Agence du Don en Nature (Adn) collects new non-food unsold products from enterprises and it redistributes them to the most needy thanks to a network of more than 750 local associations in France. Every year the Adn contributes to help 850.000 people in need and redistributes every week more than 600.000 euros of new products
5 October Oct 2017 1535 05 October 2017 Change Please, when the homeless become baristas
The entrepreneur Cemal Ezel and The Big Issue, the world's most widely circulated street newspaper sold by homeless people, have launched a social enterprise helping the homeless, training them as baristas.