EU Commission proposes coordinated measures for the safe reopening of the cultural sector
The Commission has just published EU guidelines to ensure the safe resumption of activities in the cultural and creative sectors across the EU. These guidelines are expected to guide the design and implementation of measures and protocols in EU countries to cover both the safe reopening as well as the sustainable recovery in the cultural and creative sectors
A swing accessible to children in wheelchairs
Developed thanks the efforts of the voluntary association Genitori H24 (Parents H24), the swing was inaugurated last summer in the Italian city of Matera.
A letter to Santa from the nonprofit sector
Santa is taking credit for the work of our sector long enough. It is time for you to change your ways. A memo on behalf of all of us in the nonprofit sector penned by the outstanding blogger who runs Nonprofitwithball.
Children on the move remain forgotten and unprotected
As EU leaders are discussing migration within the Council arena, World Vision is calling on them to protect children on the move from all forms of violence.
16 December Dec 2016 1058 16 December 2016 Winners of Civil Society Prize show reality surpasses imagination
The EESC 2016 Prize rewards model and inspiring projects that represent the best of human solidarity in Europe and which have demonstrated real on the ground. Hungarian NGO Artemisio Foundation awarded first prize for championing diverse and multicultural society in Hungary
16 December Dec 2016 0804 16 December 2016 The portable lamp plugged in the sunshine
Little Sun Solar Lamp, a new social business frontier envisioned by installation artist Olafur Eliasson. A global project that is transforming over a million lives through the awesome power of the sun
13 December Dec 2016 1231 13 December 2016 Getting to know role models: ENIL board member Marina Voudouri
Marina is originally from Greece, but has been living in Rome for many years, where she is sitting on one of the district’s governing bodies and is on the forefront of advocacy for independent living.
12 December Dec 2016 1326 12 December 2016 Better international co-ordination could lead to more worldwide benefits from migration
Despite growing economic dynamism in many developing regions, international migration flows are not being diverted towards these new alternative poles but rather are concentrating in advanced economies, according to a new OECD Development Centre report.
12 December Dec 2016 0943 12 December 2016 When businesses don't forget human rights
According to a new report, many of the best companies set an example by going above and beyond their traditional role protect civil society space.
9 December Dec 2016 1624 09 December 2016 Someday nobody will try to imagine how her life looks like
The full implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Europe is challenging. However, the battle is being fought by men and women whose dedication will make the difference for the life of disabled people.
9 December Dec 2016 1118 09 December 2016 Transparency, silver bullet for a more just society
As more than 70 governments, together with the private sector and civil society, are meeting in Paris for the Open Government Partnership Summit to promote transparency, citizen participation and democratic innovation, let's make sure the topic is on the table for elections across Europe.
7 December Dec 2016 1638 07 December 2016 Breaking the barriers that hinder refugees integration
The new study by Caritas Europa "Welcome! Migrants make Europe stronger" provides proposals and experiences that empower migrants and the receiving communities for a better integration.
7 December Dec 2016 1312 07 December 2016 Skills, volunteerism, opportunities. Commission goes ahead with European Solidarity Corps
European Commission presents measures to improve opportunities for young people and launches European Solidarity Corps
6 December Dec 2016 1610 06 December 2016 Migrants make Europe stronger
Caritas Europa new report explores what are the barriers that are robbing migrants social and professional opportunities that would allow many new comers to make inroads in our society. The good news? Such barriers can be overcome. Here is how...
5 December Dec 2016 0952 05 December 2016 How European development aid makes a difference
In 2015, Europe provided €68 billion in development aid, which is over 50 % of all global aid efforts, with the main aim of eradicating poverty. EU imports from developing countries are worth €860 billion a year. Better EU aid coordination could free €800 million in additional development funding.
1 December Dec 2016 1717 01 December 2016 13 recommendations to support the development of social entrepreneurship
The European Commission Expert Group on Social Entrepreneurship ( GECES) issues a key report of recommendations to all stakeholders involved in supporting the development of social entrepreneurship as a way to promote sustainable growth in Europe. The report is a call for action to the European Commission, member states as well as social enterprise organisations, to increase the political focus on and resources dedicated to social entrepreneurship in Europe.
1 December Dec 2016 0940 01 December 2016 7 priority actions to protect all refugee and migrant children
A coalition of NGOs call for responses to migration to be effective or protect children unless they systematically take into account their best interests and specific needs.
30 November Nov 2016 0936 30 November 2016 Chester wins the Access City Award 2017
The award is organised by the European Commission together with the European Disability Forum. It recognises and celebrates cities for their efforts to make it easier for disabled and older people to gain access to public areas such as housing, children’s play areas, public transport or communication technologies.
29 November Nov 2016 1341 29 November 2016 Disability hate crime on the rise in Europe
Tomorrow, on 30 November, the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) will hold a round table on disability hate crime. The event will focus on three questions: what is disability hate crime; key findings of ENIL’s research in 2016; and improving cooperation among different actors to better prevent and address disability hate crime.