"Zero barriers": a purpose that the city of Matera, as the European Capital of Culture for 2019, cannot ignore. A city that aims to become “accessible to all”, can now proudly boast the establishment of the new special swing for wheelchairs, which will allow children with disabilities to enjoy rides on the swing. The wills and collective efforts of Genitori H24, a voluntary association working to help the need of disabled people, have paid off.
The structure was bought for 3,500 euros. The expenses were raised through a successful fundraising initiative promoted by the association, and in collaboration with Istituto Europeo Pegaso. Other events organized by the association helped to raise even more funds.
«I have been dreaming of this swing for disabled children for such a long time.Thanks to the efforts of this community, this dream has come true» said Lucianna Stigliani, president of Genitori H24.
According to the president, the association is working to favor inclusive social policies on different projects. Founded on Semptember 2014, it has already undertaken lots of initiatives for disabled people, such as promotion of charity calendars,football competitions, and conferences.
«Accessibility for all is an achievement of civilization, and a symbol of hospitality and openness towards those with different abilities» said the president, denouncing that Matera’s accessibility is still not yet guaranteed for all: “There are still different signs of incivility and inefficiency: bins on the sidewalks that clutter the street for passersby, a glass bin near a kindergarten and a rehabilitation center. In many areas» laments the presindent, «the sidewalks are 3 cm thick, representing an obstacle for those with walking difficulties».
«On this front” explained Lucianna «the association has made several proposals to the City Hall, such as counselling points dedicated to children with disabilities. We still need centers whose staff is dedicated to increasing children's self-esteem, listening centers for the deaf, as well as lift - accessible bathrooms within the municipal swimming pool».