8 February Feb 2019 1734 08 February 2019 Migrateful, when cooking supports the integration of refugees
Migrateful is a social enterprise based in London that gives asylum seekers and refugees looking for a job a space to share the recipes of their countries, their culture and stories, giving them professional training and English lessons. In 2017 Jess Thompson, founder of Migrateful, was awarded for the project by Unltd, the Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs
19 April Apr 2018 1500 19 April 2018 Luca Jahier, the new president of the EESC, vows to revive civic engagement for a sustainable Europe
Elected as 32nd president of the European Economic and Social Committee, the EU body representing organised civil society, in his inaugural speech Mr Jahier invited all participants to dream with him of a re-energised Europe and to work together for a second European Renaissance.
9 March Mar 2017 1623 09 March 2017 This is how Molenbeeck youth learn IT skills
Capital Digital is a project that trains young migrants (15-20 years old) from Brussels’ outskirts in the basics of coding and also gives them pedagogical abilities to transfer these knowledges to children migrants who live in the poorest areas of Bruxelles.
25 January Jan 2017 1236 25 January 2017 President Trump: a civil society galvanizer
While the first decisions of President Trump shake the achievements’ of the environmentalist movements and threaten women’s rights, civil society sees an outburst in activism and participation
4 January Jan 2017 1432 04 January 2017 The Social Platform Annual Report 2015 unveiled
Social Platform have released their annual report 2015
23 December Dec 2016 1011 23 December 2016 Solidarity is the key to the migration deadlock
In 2016, 374,802 migrants arrived to Europe of whom 351,080 came by sea and 23,722 travelled by land. 2016 marked the deadliest year for the Mediterranean route with at least 4,715 people losing their lives. Those who survived their odyssey and who are now stranded somewhere in the European Union (EU) or at its border are in great need of help and solidarity, says Caritas Europa.
16 December Dec 2016 1337 16 December 2016 Children on the move remain forgotten and unprotected
As EU leaders are discussing migration within the Council arena, World Vision is calling on them to protect children on the move from all forms of violence.
16 December Dec 2016 1058 16 December 2016 Winners of Civil Society Prize show reality surpasses imagination
The EESC 2016 Prize rewards model and inspiring projects that represent the best of human solidarity in Europe and which have demonstrated real on the ground. Hungarian NGO Artemisio Foundation awarded first prize for championing diverse and multicultural society in Hungary
12 December Dec 2016 1326 12 December 2016 Better international co-ordination could lead to more worldwide benefits from migration
Despite growing economic dynamism in many developing regions, international migration flows are not being diverted towards these new alternative poles but rather are concentrating in advanced economies, according to a new OECD Development Centre report.
1 December Dec 2016 0940 01 December 2016 7 priority actions to protect all refugee and migrant children
A coalition of NGOs call for responses to migration to be effective or protect children unless they systematically take into account their best interests and specific needs.