12 May May 2020 1855 12 May 2020 Europe Day, EESC calls for more unity and solidarity in fight against coronavirus pandemic
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) celebrates 9th May online for the first time ever, highlighting the commitment on the ground of its members to fighting the coronavirus crisis
14 June Jun 2019 1728 14 June 2019 Equal opportunities, the theme of the 2019 EESC Civil Society Prize
The EESC dedicates its flagship Civil Society Prize in 2019 to the empowerment of women and the fight for gender equality. Applications for 2019 are now open
25 March Mar 2019 1800 25 March 2019 European Philanthropy Manifesto calling for a Single Market for Philanthropy
European foundations, philanthropic organisations and policymakers have come together to jointly launch the European Philanthropy Manifesto and to advocate for an enabling environment for philanthropy in Europe. The European Philanthropy Manifesto is a call to policy makers in Europe to work towards a Single Market for Philanthropy
17 April Apr 2018 1455 17 April 2018 The reform of the European Citizens’ Initiative is underway
The European Economic and Social Committee has organised in its headquarters in Brussels the 7th ECI Day to shed light on the new European Commission’s reform proposal and to make the European Citizens’ Initiative a more efficient instrument of dialogue between the EU and its citizens
19 December Dec 2017 1311 19 December 2017 Duo for a Job, free training for young migrants
Duo for a Job matches young job seekers with an immigrant background with people over 50 years old who have a professional experience in related fields and who can accompany and support them in their job search.
29 November Nov 2017 0850 29 November 2017 Together for youth, with youth
Jacopo Bencini, an Italian Youth Ambassador for The ONE Campaign, and Nondumiso Hlophe, a Swazi One Young World Ambassador, share their experience as members of the AU-EU Plug-In Initiative and their recommendations to leaders ahead of the 5th AU-EU Summit.
9 November Nov 2017 1521 09 November 2017 4 European cities shortlisted for Access City Award 2018
4 European cities were shortlisted for the award that recognises and celebrates a city's willingness, capability and efforts to ensure accessibility : Ljubljana (Slovenia), Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Lyon (France), and Viborg (Denmark)
7 November Nov 2017 1422 07 November 2017 The Airbnb of the homeless
It is called Notfairbnb and it is an awareness campaign on the problems of the homeless in Brussels. Since its launch in 2016, it has had a great success and organisations from all over the world helping the homeless have asked to open Notfairbnb in their own countries
14 September Sep 2017 1500 14 September 2017 Prevent radicalisation: the role of civil society
The European Economic and Social Committee (Eesc) has organised a public hearing on “The role of civil society in the prevention of radicalisation of young people” in its headquarters in Brussels. The aim? Clarify how EU policy-makers can help civil society practitioners to successfully prevent radicalisation.
28 August Aug 2017 1706 28 August 2017 Finding Europe at the Libyan border
A reportage from the Seefuchs, a humanitarian vessel operated by the German Ngo Sea-Eye