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EU-Africa relations

S&D Group in Addis to strengthen EU-Africa relations

30 March Mar 2016 1052 30 March 2016
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A delegation of members of the European Parliament of the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) Group led by President Gianni Pittella is visiting Addis Ababa (Ethiopia). In agenda meetings with Ethiopian and African Union leaders in order to discuss the increasingly important EU-Africa relations.

Africa is not just a European neighbor, it must quickly become one of our most important partners for economic, cultural, development and security cooperation”, said Gianni Pittella. “We must abandon our traditional Eurocentric approach and realize that the current migration crisis is a global crisis and not just a European one. This phenomenon is first and foremost hitting Africa with millions of people fleeing conflicts, poverty and growing inequalities, climate change and natural disasters, human rights violations and poor democratic systems”, he added.

“If we really want to solve the migration crisis in the long term and address common global challenges we must address its root causes, by dramatically increasing political cooperation with African countries and the African Union. This goal is very important to the S&D Group and Africa remains our clear priority”, said the President of S&D Group.

“Hence, along with Cécile Kyenge, ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly Vice-President, and Norbert Neuser, S&D DEVE Coordinator, we will go in mission to Ethiopia to meet the representatives of the African Union and the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalegn. We will also visit the Addis Ababa centre for returnee children run by UNICEF”.

“The S&D group is fully committed to working on peace and security issues with national authorities, with the African Union and UN to create new opportunities, to make Africa a better place for its people, and a more attractive place for business. European and African challenges go hand-in-hand. The more we contribute to the stabilization and development of African countries, the sooner us as Europeans will solve our own challenges.

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