25 March Mar 2019 1800 25 March 2019 European Philanthropy Manifesto calling for a Single Market for Philanthropy
European foundations, philanthropic organisations and policymakers have come together to jointly launch the European Philanthropy Manifesto and to advocate for an enabling environment for philanthropy in Europe. The European Philanthropy Manifesto is a call to policy makers in Europe to work towards a Single Market for Philanthropy
16 June Jun 2017 1414 16 June 2017 Adie, microcredit specialist in France
Adie is the pioneering association for microcredit in France and the largest in the country. Born in 1989, it creates more than 200 new jobs a week and counts 450 employees and 13,000 volunteers.
12 April Apr 2017 1442 12 April 2017 USA/Russia: Diplomatic meeting must tackle deplorable human rights record at home and abroad
Though recent developments in Syria are bound to dominate US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s first official visit to Moscow this week, he must also raise the issue of Russia’s wide-ranging denial of human rights at home, Amnesty International said.
23 December Dec 2016 1011 23 December 2016 Solidarity is the key to the migration deadlock
In 2016, 374,802 migrants arrived to Europe of whom 351,080 came by sea and 23,722 travelled by land. 2016 marked the deadliest year for the Mediterranean route with at least 4,715 people losing their lives. Those who survived their odyssey and who are now stranded somewhere in the European Union (EU) or at its border are in great need of help and solidarity, says Caritas Europa.
13 December Dec 2016 1231 13 December 2016 Getting to know role models: ENIL board member Marina Voudouri
Marina is originally from Greece, but has been living in Rome for many years, where she is sitting on one of the district’s governing bodies and is on the forefront of advocacy for independent living.
23 November Nov 2016 1005 23 November 2016 Towards a EU strategy to promote civic space ?
The state of the art, the concerns, the challenges and the proposals regarding the restrictions that civil society organizations are facing to their civic freedoms in many countries across the world,addressed by Civil Society Europe and its members.
17 November Nov 2016 0953 17 November 2016 The sacrificial lamb of the EU budget deal: the humanitarian aid
It took 18 hours of negotiations but at the end a deal that focuses on strengthening the economy and responding to the refugee crisis was reached. But there was a victim: humanitarian aid
14 October Oct 2016 0819 14 October 2016 Can Brussels do radical?
Many people frustrated about the current political climate, but have they been radical enough to change it ? Tracey and Olga, activists from The European Women's Lobby, kick-start the conversations...
13 October Oct 2016 1431 13 October 2016 All eyes focused on World Sight Day
World Sight Day is celebrated every year on the second Thursday in October and is the occasion to increase awareness of the global issue of avoidable blindness and vision loss. Keep in mind that 285 million people are estimated to be visually impaired worldwide: 39 million are blind and 246 have low vision.
29 September Sep 2016 0830 29 September 2016 World Vision and ChildPact released new tool measuring government efforts to protect children
The Child Protection Index measures government efforts to protect girls and boys. It is a tool to prevent and end violence, child trafficking, child labour, discrimination and other violations of a child’s rights.