
New map helping refugees and universities

29 August Aug 2016 1137 29 August 2016

The European University Association (EUA) has launched the Refugees Welcome Map, an interactive map of universities' initiatives in support of refugees. Initiated in Europe, the project is open to all higher education institutions around the world.

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Refugees Studying Photo By Sean Gallup:Getty Images)
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The European University Association (EUA) has launched the Refugees Welcome Map, an interactive map of universities' initiatives in support of refugees. Initiated in Europe, the project is open to all higher education institutions around the world.

The Refugees Welcome Map is an interactive map of the initiatives of higher education institutions and organisations in supporting refugees. It is a project of the European University Association (EUA), the largest and most comprehensive organisation representing universities in Europe.

The campaign, started in Europe, is open to all universities in the world. So far 227 initiatives for refugees in 31 countries around the world have been mapped.
Universities in Europe, United States and New Zealand are showcased on the Refugees Welcome Map.


The map is constantly updated with new initiatives for refugees through a brief survey, that universities around the world can fill in, in order to be included in the map.

Among projects and initiatives for refugees: scholarships, language training courses, recognition of academic qualifications obtained in the country of origin, legal and financial support, information on job opportunities.

The largest majority of initiatives are mapped in Western and Central Europe, and the greatest absolute number of programmes for migrants is found in Germany, the country in Europe that has had the most asylum applications in 2015.

Cover photo: Sean Gallup/Getty Images

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