30 November Nov 2016 1206 30 November 2016 The wrong anti poverty recipes of the left according to Deirdre McCloskey
Economist Deirdre McCloskey challenges the theories of liberal pundits such as Stiglitz and Piketty and takes a swipe at foreign aid and universal basic income.
22 November Nov 2016 0859 22 November 2016 When corporations find business opportunities in social problems
According the theory of Share values, corporations need to come up with better solutions for society, not just for business itself. Mark Kramer, FSG co-founder and managing director, offers his insights on what shared value means.
26 July Jul 2016 1511 26 July 2016 Bernd Nilles: “North and South are no longer divided, but unified in facing the same problems”
CIDSE’s Secretary General talks to Vita International about the most pressing global challenges facing us today. “Agenda 2030 and the SDGs can de facto lead to a kind of systemic change to our economic model and behaviors.“We need courageous politicians who push their governments to take bold decisions and people who take their lives into their own hands and make changes now" he says.
21 March Mar 2016 0813 21 March 2016 France’s shift towards social business
Interview with Jacques Berger, Director of Action Tank, French non profit association created by Danone, to which great French enterprises such as Veolia, Renault and Sodexo adhere. The aim? Promote social business.
1 December Dec 2015 0811 01 December 2015 Naomi Klein: «Funders need to take responsibility»
The journalist, activist and bestselling author shares her expectations for the Paris summit on climate change and how philanthropic foundations can play a key role in the divestment movement