30 September Sep 2016 0736 30 September 2016 Achieving the SDGs: the role of Impact Investment
The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) launches an initiative to promote the key role investors can play in achieving the SDGs goals
22 September Sep 2016 0843 22 September 2016 Club of Rome: One percent growth is enough
The latest Report to the Club of Rome focuses on three endemic social challenges – inequality, unemployment, and climate change – and offers 13 radical policy solutions for industrialized countries to address these problems without the need for faster economic growth.
15 September Sep 2016 1530 15 September 2016 European Pillar of Social Rights must make a difference for people
During the State of the Union address, Mr Jean-Claude Juncker called on the EU to do more for social fairness. EASPD welcomes and supports the European Pillar of Social Rights as an important opportunity to implement this in practice, whilst recommending three main changes to make this successful.
9 September Sep 2016 1341 09 September 2016 Time for the EU Investment Plan to do more for social services
Takeaways from the EASPD seminar "Implementation of the European Fund for Strategic Investment: unlocking investment for social services". Participants discussed how to ensure that The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) can contribute significantly to social inclusion in Europe, in particular through investment in high-quality social services.
21 June Jun 2016 1118 21 June 2016 The ONE Campaign pays tribute to Jo Cox
Let's meet tomorrow in Brussels to honour Jo Cox by carrying forward the message that she now symbolises around the world, that we have #moreincommon than that which divides us.
17 May May 2016 0903 17 May 2016 The social protection policies that can give Europe a more secure foothold
Social inclusion, poverty reduction, inequality, CSR, migration, NGOs relations with Eu Commission. The state of the art on social affairs, challenges and proposals addressed by Lieve Fransen, former Director, Europe 2020 Social Policies DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion at the European Commission.
12 May May 2016 0918 12 May 2016 500 years of global philanthropy online
Launched in April, is the first one-source global narrative about the last 500 years in philanthropy. More than 200 moments in charitable giving history all available online with rare or never-before-seen historical images, documents, and audio and video files.
18 February Feb 2016 1123 18 February 2016 Social dialogue in a time of new challenges and changes
The study “Conditions and Criteria for Social Dialogue in Europe – the Workers’ Perspective” aims at outlining the development and the current status of the Social Dialogue in Europe and at characterizing the framework which is required to guarantee its success in the Europe of today.