
Money Mechanics, MyBnk’s latest winning project

1 February Feb 2017 1214 01 February 2017

The English charity has won the People's Postcode Lottery, in partnership with the Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD) and The Royal London Society for Blind People (RLSB)

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The English charity has won the People's Postcode Lottery, in partnership with the Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD) and The Royal London Society for Blind People (RLSB)

MyBnk, the award-winning English charity providing financial and enterprise education to young people aged 11-25, has won the Dream Fund of the People’s Postcode Lottery: 530.000 pounds to support deaf and blind young people manage their money and have a better life.

The winning project, Money Mechanics, is implemented by MyBnk in partnership with the Royal London Society for Blind People (RLSB) and the Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD).

“Our Dream at MyBnk is for deaf or blind young people to have the same life chances as their hearing and sighted peers”, explains Lily Lapenna, who founded MyBnk 10 years ago and has been elected both Ashoka Fellow and Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.

“Money Mechanics is a project that gives people who are deaf and blind the opportunity to learn how to manage their money today, at a time of crisis and into the future”, explains Lily Lapennna.

In order for young deaf and blind people to have the same rights as their peers MyBnk, together with its partners, “will be designing, developing and delivering tailor-made programmes that provide money management, employability skills, and life skills that deaf and blind people need to be financially confident”, concludes Lapenna.

Cover photo: from Lily Lapenna's Fabebook page.

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