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Human Rights Day

Trade and human rights, the worrying case of Latin America

10 December Dec 2015 1222 10 December 2015
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On Human Rights' Day, six Brussels-based NGO networks remind us through a video that Latin America is the most dangerous region in the world for Human Right defenders, and propose actions the EU should implement to reverse this worrying trend.

This video explains how a trade relationship - mainly based on the extraction of raw materials - is contributing to depletion of non-renewable natural resources, global warming and social conflicts.
Civil society organisations have warned repeatedly about the dangers of unbalanced trade relations, and have urged the EU to promote more symmetrical relations contributing to effective respect for human rights while promoting sustainable alternatives to the current economic model.

The video has been was created by Alianza por la Solidaridad, ACT Alliance EU, Cidse, Cifca, Grupo Sur y Oidhaco.

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