From the world of comics, that has an important tradition in France, a creative project of collective drawing arrives, that gives space to creativity: an antidote to anxiety from Coronavirus. Pénélope Bagieu and Sandrine Deloffre, French cartoonists and illustrators, have launched a challenge on Twitter: to draw the ideal home where to spend quarantine due to Coronavirus, which started on Tuesday the 17th of March in France. The proposal comes from Oscar Barda, game designer. Timothy Hannem, illustrator, has drawn up a template that everyone can use to illustrate the ideal home for this isolation period. The project has been launched on twitter with the #Coronamaison hashtag.
“I have made some sketches, and then Pénélope Bagieu has shared my tweet with the final model. Then everything took place very quickly”, explains Timothy Hannem (@acupoftim) to Vita . “I have chosen a simple room, with a purposely fake perspective, so that everyone can fill it in with what they want, even people who are not able to draw. There are some stairs on the left to allow us to pile up all the drawings at the end of the project, as if the drawings were the floors of a tower”, explains Timothy Hannem to Vita. Pénélope Bagieu (@PenelopeB) says in a tweet: “Here is the template that @acupoftim has done for us for the #Coronamaison! We draw the room, the furnishing/the company/the animals/the food/the windows, in a word the ideal place where to be confined. And if we do a black and white drawing, the colourists don’t have to hesitate to colour the images in". And under there is Pénélope Bagieu’s home: it is colourful, with big cactuses and exotic plants, an hammock and the sea in front, “even if I think I will have the time to do another ten or so of them”, she writes in the tweet.
The opening picture of the article is the ideal home for quarantine of Luppi (@LuppiChan), digital artist, who writes in a tweet, to illustrate his drawing: “A small apartment where you can hear Italians sing, for the #Coronamaison project”.
Everyone can download Timothy Hannem’s drawing for free and create his/her ideal home. The challenge has been welcomed not only by cartoonists and illustrators. Everyone, both adults and children, have taken the pencil and started drawing, following Timothy Hannem's model. “The reaction of the participants to the challenge is very good, and Oscar Barda, Pénélope Bagieu, Sandrine Deloffre, and I are very happy (and surprised) to see the size the project is taking”, explains Hannem.
What is the aim of the project?, we ask Timothy Hannem, who explains. “It is to imagine our ideal apartment where to spend the quarantine, therefore it is to draw everything we love, and expel the anxiety for the Coronavirus. By doing all this we have fun, we pass the time, we think about other things, we let people imagine what they want, and we are surprised by the different proposals..”
And finally we ask Timothy Hannem: What is the power of creativity in front of the anxiety of the moment? “Creativity and imagination”, he answers, "have an amazing escape power. By being concentrated on drawing we manage to escape from daily life, showing positive things, or things that allow us in any way to think about other things, like when we read a book or watch a film."
Opening picture: digital artist Luppi (@LuppiChan)'s drawing: “A small apartment where you can hear Italians sing, for the #Coronamaison project”.