Family cohesion

One in four children in Europe is affected by poverty

20 November Nov 2015 1133 20 November 2015

On the occasion of Universal Children’s Day, Caritas Europa calls on European governments to prioritise the fight against child and family poverty as an essential means for contributing to just and strong European societies.

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On the occasion of Universal Children’s Day, Caritas Europa calls on European governments to prioritise the fight against child and family poverty as an essential means for contributing to just and strong European societies.

Caritas Europa finds it intolerable that over 27 million children are living at risk of poverty across Europe and that more than one in four children is affected by poverty in the European Union.
“People who work at Canary Wharf have more money than us so they can buy houses and better food”, said 7 year old Jake just a few days ago when talking with a centre coordinator of the Catholic Children’s Society in London. At Caritas we think that Jake’s words are a strong sign in Europe that housing and food are at the core of a little child’s concerns.

Caritas Europa reminds European governments that European institutions have put in place several instruments which, if fully applied, would contribute to tackling child and family poverty efficiently and break the cycle of poverty across generations.

Family and child poverty in Europe is an immense but disregarded threat to the future cohesion and development of our communities. It must urgently be addressed if we want to ensure integral human development for everyone and a strong European society. Europe can commit to it.

Jorge Nuño Mayer, Secretary General of Caritas Europa

Therefore, Caritas Europa urges:

Source: Caritas Europa

Photo: Getty Image, Eff Pachoud

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