25 April Apr 2016 1300 8 years ago Social innovationSIE Fundraising Hub Q&A Webinar
As part of the SIE Fundraising HUB, SIE will be running a second Q&A webinar on fundraising of social innovation, featuring top level contributors.
7 April Apr 2016 0900 8 years ago Women entrepreneurshipELLE IMPACT² AWARD
ELLE and Le Comptoir de l’Innovation have created the ELLE IMPACT² AWARD, a unique award dedicated to female social entrepreneurship. This year, for the second edition of the award, the organisers have decided to promote women entrepreneurship all around the world.
28 January Jan 2016 0900 8 years ago Social enterpriseFinanceurs – entrepreneurs sociaux : levons le voile
After Paris, Toulouse, Lyon, Marseille and Strasbourg the Tour de France du Financement (France Tour of Financing) launched by Mouves continues in Bordeaux on 28 January 2016.
25 November Nov 2015 0936 8 years ago EmploymentEnergy and digital mutations: the impact on employment and the role of economic and social actors in Europe
Conference organised by Confrontations Europe in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and with the support of the DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission.