26 February Feb 2016 1340 26 February 2016 Putting the social and environmental in business
The Social Enterprise World Forum 2016 will be taking place in Hong Kong this September 2016. By bringing together social enterprises from all over the world, the forum aims to support and enhance those engaging in business that puts communities and the environment at the centre of their mission.
18 February Feb 2016 1123 18 February 2016 Social dialogue in a time of new challenges and changes
The study “Conditions and Criteria for Social Dialogue in Europe – the Workers’ Perspective” aims at outlining the development and the current status of the Social Dialogue in Europe and at characterizing the framework which is required to guarantee its success in the Europe of today.
12 February Feb 2016 1632 12 February 2016 Food wastage: NGO invents app to recycle food directly from the fields
Tackling food wastage and poverty with one app. Italian NGO launches crowdfunding campaign for Social Food: the app that connects producers in the fields with volunteers to bring wasted produce directly to those that need it most.
10 February Feb 2016 1009 10 February 2016 Why economic growth doesn’t always translate to happiness
“Happiness does not mean being ecstatic: it is the avoidance of misery, the gaining of long-term life satisfaction, the feeling of fulfilment, of worth, of kindness, of usefulness and of love. We need new measures of what matters most to us”, says Danny Dorling
9 February Feb 2016 1213 09 February 2016 One stop to tackling climate change and poverty
World technology and the globalised economy mean that we are no longer directly reliant on our local environment for survival. However, for millions of people across the developing world, their surroundings are the foundation of their livelihoods. This makes them the most vulnerable to environmental change. The Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) runs projects that tackles two problems of global importance at once.
1 February Feb 2016 1453 01 February 2016 Syrians in need are waiting for actions not just kind words
As donor countries prepare to meet on February 4 in the British capital to pledge support for Syria and its neighbours, Oxfam urges parties to commit to changes that will improve lives of Syrians.
26 January Jan 2016 1133 26 January 2016 Smart Cities? Not for women
For women, walking on city streets is often a fraught process: from the ripple of apprehension when someone physically stronger approaches, to the general avoidance of walking alone in the dark, and the constant need to stay alert and watchful. These are familiar experiences for women globally, and with increased urbanisation, violence against women in our cities is becoming endemic.
22 January Jan 2016 1613 22 January 2016 CIDSE celebrates its 50th anniversary
At the CIDSE board of Directors meeting ending today 50 years since the foundation of the network were celebrated, the new member Progressio was welcomed in the CIDSE family, and a new CIDSE strategic framework was approved.
21 January Jan 2016 1350 21 January 2016 To be or not to be: EU incoherence on migration and development
This Wednesday in Brussels, CONCORD Europe held a conference to present its policy paper entitled “Coherence for migration and security - and what about development?” The paper addresses key issues surrounding EU migration policies and Policy Coherence for Development.
12 January Jan 2016 1120 12 January 2016 Which economic policies are needed in order to ensure competitive and fair societies?
Coin and The Magdas hotel, two best practices implemented by Caritas, show that new paradigms and new approaches can really make a difference