3 December Dec 2015 1042 03 December 2015 8 myths about climate change
Can’t scientists agree on whether global warming exists? Has the globe stopped warming? Is the global warming just part of natural change? Caritas internationalis reviews 8 myths that die hard on climate change.
2 December Dec 2015 1643 02 December 2015 Europe's new circular economy
Brussels, 2nd December: The European Commission adopted a Circular Economy Package: a series of measures that aim to stimulate the European economy, increase its competitiveness on the global markets, and create new jobs.
2 December Dec 2015 1353 02 December 2015 Artists mobilise for climate
Artists for Paris Climate 2015 will take place during the whole COP 21 summit: 15 world renowned visual artists are mobilising to bring attention to climate issues through their art projects.
2 December Dec 2015 0855 02 December 2015 Blue Gold: the water wars are here
There are currently 2 billion people living in regions of absolute water scarcity. It is in these same regions that there is the most global instability. As time goes on, the issue of water availability is transforming from a regional issue into a global problem.
30 November Nov 2015 1621 30 November 2015 Including the voice of the youth in the negotiations
The European Youth Forum calls for a more democratic and equitable process for the climate change negotiations, which both includes young people and also tackles inequalities.
30 November Nov 2015 1138 30 November 2015 How will the Paris attacks affect the outcome of the Climate Change talks?
"Beyond questions of security, the attacks are likely to have much broader impacts on the climate change talks, which are a make or break moment in the effort to prevent runaway global warming", writes Duncan Green, strategic adviser for Oxfam GB.
30 November Nov 2015 1101 30 November 2015 Bernd Nilles (Cidse): "Paris is just a milestone for bigger change"
In the run up to the COP21 Summit in Paris, Vita International spoke to the secretary general of CIDSE Bernd Nilles in Brussels, in order to understand civil society’s message and strategy ahead of talks in Paris, as well as better understand his position as a member of the Vatican's twelve-person delegation to the summit.
27 November Nov 2015 1114 27 November 2015 The Think Tanks warm up the debate
At a glance' note brings together recent commentaries, analyses and studies by major international think tanks on climate policies and efforts to reach a climate agreement in Paris
27 November Nov 2015 1011 27 November 2015 EGA: Risks and opportunities for the environment
The Environmental Goods Agreement (Ega) would help make it easier to trade internationally in environmental goods and technologies that contribute to environmental protection.
26 November Nov 2015 0956 26 November 2015 COP21: what about a gender-responsive climate agreement ?
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges that the world faces, and affects us all.Women are half of the world’s population: it is obvious that the planet won’t be saved without women’s leadership and full participation. The European Women’s Lobby takes a stand.