29 November Nov 2016 1100 7 years ago 29 November Nov 2016 1800 7 years ago

ProtectDefenders.eu Annual Meeting: 'Defenders are not criminals'

belgium brussels - 158, Théodore Verhaegen

ProtectDefenders.eu, the EU Human Rights Defenders mechanism implemented by International Civil Society, is holding its first Beneficiaries' Meeting, under the topic:""Defenders are not criminals -Countering Criminalisation of Human Rights Defenders". This event will bring together Human Rights Defenders, Human Rights NGOs, Representatives of international and regional Protection Mechanisms, Members of the EU Temporary Relocation Platform and relevant representatives of EU Institutions.

This first beneficiaries' meeting aims at highlighting the main achievements and challenges of ProtectDefenders.eu, the new EU Human Rights Defenders mechanism1. The meeting will also enhance the visibility of the human rights defenders agenda, addressing the issue of criminalisation as a worrying trend. Indeed, in recent years, state and non-state actors have made numerous attempts to criminalise the work of human rights defenders worldwide in order to silence their voices and undermine the credibility of their actions.

Here the meeting agenda.