25 November Nov 2015 0936 8 years ago Employment

Energy and digital mutations: the impact on employment and the role of economic and social actors in Europe

Belgium Brussels - Rue Belliard 99

Conference organised by Confrontations Europe in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and with the support of the DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission.

Venue: Jacques Delors building, room JDE, Rue Belliard 99, Brussels, Belgium  9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

This conference, to be opened by Georgios Dassis, EESC president (to be confirmed), will bring together more than 200 representatives of businesses, trade unions, regions, civil society and academia from a number of European countries, in a dialogue with representatives of European and national institutions with the aim of exploring and discussing the following questions:

  • What impact (in quantitative and qualitative terms) are energy and digital mutations having on employment?
  • Are industrial relations systems (dialogue between economic and social actors) adapting to meet the challenges of these mutations?
  • What conditions must the overhaul of these systems meet if competitiveness and social cohesion are to be safeguarded?

Discussions will focus on both the Europe-wide picture and a comparison between six countries: France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and Sweden.

Confrontations Europe is a non-partisan association bringing together business leaders, trade unions and local actors from several European countries in a dialogue with European and national institutions in order to frame joint proposals aimed at reinvigorating economic and social development in Europe. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is a consultative body of the European Union. For further information, please visit www.confrontations.org and www.eesc.europa.eu.