MuMo (Mobile Museum) is the first travelling contemporary art museum, that has the mission to make art accessible to children. It is formed by a container and a truck and, once arrived at destination, in council squares and schools, turns into an exhibiting space with about 20 contemporary artworks. As Ingrid Brochard, founder of MuMo says, “At school we are taught to read and write, but it is as well important to learn how to dream, to imagine, to connect to our emotions. Art is an amazing means of sharing, exchange, reflection”.
Launched in 2011, MuMo has travelled to France, Africa, Belgium, Switzerland and Spain. In 2015 the Mobile Museum was awarded by presidential French project La France s’engage (that awards the most innovative projects at the service of society) . The explanations read: “ MuMo is a means to reconnect art, culture, education, school, community and territory in a double logic of mobility and citizen art”.
MuMo meets children, particularly those who don’t have access to culture and museums, by going directly to their everyday life’s places: school courtyards, recreational centres, local parkings….
The Mobile Museum takes the form of a container that can easily travel by boat, before being loaded on a truck. Once it arrives at destination, it turns into a museum, opening on four different spaces, each one of them immerses the children in a different universe: painting, sculpture, installation, video, design… The museum is open everyday from 8.30 am to 7 pm. It is for free, and it is open to children during the week and accessible to adults during the week-ends.
From 2011 to 2015 more than 100,000 children, aged between 6 and 12, visited MuMo, made of unseen artworks from 14 artists among whom Maurizio Cattelan, Huang Yong Ping, Claude Lévêque and Chéri Samba.
Now, after 5 years, a new structure is born, the MuMo 2, designed by Matali Crasset, to propose new exhibitions. MuMo 2 does not develop anymore on two levels, but horizontally. More open towards the outside, with a workshop and an exhibition space for the creations of children, MuMo 2 should open to a wider public remaining accessible after the hours dedicated to school visits.
As a child out of two has never been to a museum, MuMo 2 will go around the streets of France, from May to October 2017. Up until the month of October the Exquis! exhibition, designed by Frac Ile-de-France (Fonds régional d'art contemporain), Normandie Caen and Normandie Rouen will travel these two French regions, and next year it will touch the Loire and the Grand Est regions.