Civil Society

The association training youth from the outskirts to the world of work

22 March Mar 2017 1619 22 March 2017

It’s called Nos Quartiers ont du Talent (Our neighbourhoods have got talent), it was born 11 years ago and since then it has thrived a lot all over France. Many companies and organisations recruit employees through the association.

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It’s called Nos Quartiers ont du Talent (Our neighbourhoods have got talent), it was born 11 years ago and since then it has thrived a lot all over France. Many companies and organisations recruit employees through the association.

The association Nos quartiers Ont du Talent trains individually and effectively young graduates and prepares them to work. The association mobilises the first network of enterprises committed for equality of possibilities: as a matter of fact it deals with individual training of qualified young people under 30 who come from disadvantaged areas.
Nos Quartiers Ont du Talent proposes practical actions allowing to speed up professional training of these ambitious youth and to give everyone the same opportunities to have access to a steady and qualified job. These young people are backed up by godfathers, godmothers and executives, who put at their disposal some training tools.<

As explained by Nos Quartiers Ont Du Talent in an interview: “The association started from the observation that graduated youth in disadvantaged contexts had much less possibilities to find a qualified job at the end of their studies. This way the association has created a system based on the help of godfathers and godmothers, that allows them to be in relation with executives that will help them looking for a job”.
The godfathers and godmothers help write curricula, manage job interviews, and, which is very important, they help young people build a professional network.

From 2006 to today 9,400 godfathers and godmothers have trained 35,000 youth. Moreover 70% of hired young people have a steady job which corresponds to their studies. Many are the enterprises and organisations, even public organizations, that address the association to hire enmployees. The association, born in the area of Seine - Saint Denis in 2005, then expanded in 2008 to the entire region of the Île-de-France. From 2009 to now, the association has covered the entire French territory, including the overseas departments.

Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images

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