Virtuous Triangle was born from the meetings of three Turkish university students to speak about the refugee issue and their integration inside society. After long hours of research and discussion they have developed a project called Virtuous Triangle that has the aim of dealing with more issues at the same time.
Based on principles of reciprocity, profitability and mutual understanding, Virtuous Triangle wants to open a platform where local university students and primary school kids are matched with children refugees.
The Triangle unfolds when the children- the primary school local kids and the migrant children- communicate and establish a long-term friendship, being at the same time supervised, guided and supported by the university students who are responsible for the integration, skills and language development of the children.
«Our theory of change excludes all kinds of one-dimensional, short-termed and voluntary-based approach. We think that if we aspire to change the refugees's current situation, our project must be self-sustainable, and every component must be closely connected and tied to each other. We propose a triangular ecosystem where change happens through reciprocality, mutual benefits and empathy. Unlike traditional integration policies that put all the responsibilities on the shoulder of the refugees and immigrants, we propose a more proactive and interactive model of integration which regards those issues as a chance to solve domestic problems», as reads the website of the project.
Turkish Red Crescent, the most important organisation regarding the refugee issue across Turkey, is strategic partner in the project, together with the Istanbul Sehir University, that is available to assist in mentoring and supporting the Virtuous Triangle in order to create a suitable environment, in which the project can materialize its aims.