
Sofia, the 2016 capital of international philanthropy

2 November Nov 2016 1616 02 November 2016

Transnational Giving Europe, TGE, has met in Sofia. The 19 network partners came together to take stock of the year’s activities, but above all to draw new directions to follow under the banner of solidarity. The priority for next year will be given to the promotion of transnational philanthropy and to the activities of the network itself with events and ad hoc partnerships.

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Transnational Giving Europe, TGE, has met in Sofia. The 19 network partners came together to take stock of the year’s activities, but above all to draw new directions to follow under the banner of solidarity. The priority for next year will be given to the promotion of transnational philanthropy and to the activities of the network itself with events and ad hoc partnerships.

Holiday Heroes collects food and organizes dinners and meetings throughout Christmas and Easter to allow people without families and economic means to spend peaceful holidays, and feel, inasmuch as that's possible, a little less alone. Hug Me, on the other hand, is an association tasked with the discovery and the fostering of the artistic talents of children and those young boys and girls hosted at the city’s foster homes.
We are in Sofia, the Bulgarian capital, a city crowded with associations and charities. They are little known but unquestionably fantastic. Hug Me, for example, represents for the boys involved a second chance in a country where the abandonment of children is still too widespread. Through this association, young people have the opportunity to attend art academies: this opportunity is their redemption after the obstacles that life has reserved them.


These are just some of the philanthropic realities we have encountered in the city. Sofia, indeed, has been the annual meeting stage of Transnational Giving Europe (TGE), the European network that allows to make transnational donations to non-profit organisations in other Member States, while benefiting directly from the tax advantages provided for in the legislation of their country of residence.
The last 20th and 21rst October, the 19 network partners have come together to take stock of the year, but above all to draw new routes to peruse under the banner of solidarity.

Within the network, Italy is represented by VITA Giving Europe Onlus Foundation. The priority for next year – when Italy will hold the presidency - will be given to the promotion of transnational philanthropic activities and the network itself with events and ad hoc partnerships.
Nevertheless, as the new year draws near, the network members are prepering to spend the upcoming year by advocating its founding principles as to promote, support and encourage the development and diffusion of the donor culture at the European and international level.

If you are interested in international philanthropy and would like to know more about the activities of VITA Giving Europe Onlus Foundation and TGE, please visit the website or write to

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