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16 March Mar 2016 1452 16 March 2016
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As global needs for mobility increase, ThinkYoung and Goodyear have issued a challenge to young people: come up with innovative solutions related to mobility. The #Thinkgoodmobility challenge asks European youth to engage with future technology, sustainable mobility, and future transports, to build a better future for everyone, and in return offers a trip to Silicon Valley.

The worldwide need for mobility is growing, as populating growth, economic development and technology are advancing.

With transport and mobility being key prerequisites for a well-functioning society, and we need innovative solutions to accompany the rapid changes we are seeing on a global scale. In response to this, ThinkYoung and Goodyear are launching a challenge: ThinkGoodMobility.

Asking participants to share their best solutions for the future of mobility, ThinkGoodMobility encourages candidates to think about congestion, sustainability, pollution, interconnectivity, population growth, and road safety.

The challenge is open to the students of European universities, who "might be shaping the future of mobility in 2025". Greatly encouraged are project proposals related to two main themes regarding the future of mobility:

• SMART mobility: ideas for smart technologies and intelligent connectivity systems that will make getting from one place to another easier.

• SUSTAINABLE mobility: innovative ideas and technologies to get from A to B in an eco-friendly way.

The prize?

A trip to Silicon Valley, complete with visits to hotspots like Tesla, Stanford University, and NASA. Not only that, but Goodyear will also provide a six month paid internship to a suitable candidate at the Goodyear Innovation Center in Luxembourg, and the top 3 candidates will be invited to become test drivers for a day at Goodyear's proving grounds.

Want to take part in the challenge? Follow the link here.

The deadline to enter the competition is 31st March 2016.

Photo Credits: ThinkYoung

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