
Pavia: Welcome to Slot City

4 February Feb 2016 1019 04 February 2016
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Pavia is the city that has the highest per capita expense record for games, of well over € 2.125 per year, as well as the highest density of machines: 1 for every 110 inhabitants . The photo report by Andrea Frazzetta shows how legal gambling changes the landscapes of our urban centers. On the upcoming issue of the monthly magazine Vita, a monograph of 38 pages dedicated to gambling.

It is the city that has the highest per capita spending record for games, of well over 2,125 euro a year. It is also the city with the highest density of machines: 1 for every 110 inhabitants. It’s Pavia. An invasive presence that has changed the urban landscape, and which significantly alters people’s lives. The photo report by Andrea Frazzetta explores the gambling problem in the Little Las Vegas of Lombardy. Here below, some photos from the visual project:

Slot City
Pavia 2
Pavia 3
Pavia 4
Pavia 5
Pavia 6